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A small, tan coloured book, completely unadorned. The binding is worn and aged, the pages slightly tattered and curling towards the edges. Several small notes peek out here and there from between the sheaves of parchment and pieces of torn blue silk mark places within.
Wednesday, 19 August 2009
Do you know what sickens me the most through my time here? By here, I guess I No matter how many awful cliches I tumble through, with prior notice as to what a gargantuan fool I am being, I still manage to run full force into the big ones. The ones that everyone else can see coming and everyone else is shaking their heads and calling you an idiot. The prime suspects for the overly pantomime stage shows, full of actors with too much rouge and plots with too much predictable drama.

That's me. Im the 'dimwitted damsel' in every troupe performance since time began.

The very worst part of it being that I am the very first person to spot and point out every other cliche happening around me. Always with that little sting of distaste on my tongue as I do. And yet, I am a lode stone to them. I create them. Perhaps in essence I am one myself.

Ugh, that was not a revelation I am sure I wanted to come to. How can I not create cliches when my very life is the epitome of one.

Todays evil piece of irony? You don't know what you've got until its gone.
Celestia posted @ 14:17 - Link - comments (5)
Saturday, 01 August 2009
Simple. What a wholly incongruous term to describe absolutely Anything that happens in life. Inept. The very definition of the word is inept. by very definition, a complete impossibility to attain and therefore decidedly Unsimple. The human ability to be so very dramatic in one moment and so completely understated the next will baffle me until my mind no longer continues to turn, I swear it.

Still, if life were ever perfect, I am more than sure I would be discontent. Such is the malady of being distinctly female. Oh don't gasp so, some things just need to be accepted.
Celestia posted @ 18:03 - Link - comments
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